
Showing posts from 2014

A Fantasy Lesson !!

‘ Fantasy land'  or call it ‘ The Island of Dreams’ is the one place which I would love to visit again and again. That’s the place where I can have an experience of everything beginning from the happiest moment of my life to the moment of extreme sadness. But one thing is for sure true i.e. at the end when someone wakes us we realize that it was just a dream. It’s not just about experiencing the situation in the dream, but most of the times these dreams help us solve our real life problems. It is said that if a person doesn’t dream he is said to be dead inside.   Here’s something that’s really interesting. It’s about ten to fifteen years old, when I was a kid, I had got a dream which used to continue whenever I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. This dream  almost lasted for a week. That one week’s sleep was full of adventure, thrill and surprises. The dream kicked off on a rather simple note and ended up being one of the sweetest, childish and the best dream of my li

$ocial $tatus-- A driving force for modern people !!

Twenty-first century, the time where people are more bothered about the so-called ‘ social status ’ that they forget the importance and value of their own lives. Everyone is so busy trying to improve their social status using various media like social networking websites, media networks etc. rather than trying to know the essence of enjoying their lifetime. Now-a-days, one is more interested in knowing what others think about him instead of he himself thinking about it. It is rightly said that ‘Most of the problems in this world would not arise if people started talking to each other rather than talking about each other.’ It’s a common feeling to find among people about the society and status in the society. When we do a mistake we are more bothered about what others will think about us after that and not try to think about where we went wrong and how it can be rectified so that next time we are not stuck up with the same problem again. But that’s not the pr

CRITICISM- It's not for the weak !

Just recently, it was late evening when I was walking on my terrace looking at the kids playing in the lane beside my house, looking at the sunset and remembering my childhood days. And suddenly a quarrel broke up among the kids who were enjoying till then. None of us around knew the reason for their quarrel. During the childhood whenever we used to get angry, we would start criticizing our friends and put their names in front of elders as the initiators of the quarrel, in order to escape from being scolded. The kids who were playing in the lane did the same. During this period knowingly or unknowingly I just got mentally involved among the kids which forced me to roll back 10 long years of my life. Flashback was just because of a single word i.e. " CRITICISM ." This is when a thought struck me, about how critics play a major role in one's life. " Critics ", this one word has a lot of hidden power stuffed in it. Critics are meant to point

Power & Pride go hand in hand !!

It was early morning and everything seemed to be going on as per the plan.The routine works continued... Amidst all the work, a thought struck my mind. **************** A wild and a weird thought. **************** What will happen to us if we are given all the power in the world ? Powers - what could they do ?? Does it cause harm ?? If powers are given what will we gain ?? Will we lose some thing ?? ........ and the thoughts came pouring in. When the thought were lingering in my mind the state of my mind was something like :  In the beginning I felt that it was useless to think over it, but then I heard my sub conscious mind murmur to me to give it a try and so I did.  It is believed that when a person thinks of power, and when he is given the power, he tends to become a puppet in the hands of power and stops thinking and caring for things. The person gets bound to all his powers to such an extent that he becomes proud of his powers and in the end this pride turns out to be

A Fictitious Birthday

Present stuck up between past and future                   14 th August, a day, which almost every year turns out to be something special. But this year I guess that wasn’t the case. As usual I started receiving calls from midnight wishing me happy birthday and this continued for the whole day.                   14 th August 2014 seemed to be a routine birthday until I received call from one of my close friends in the morning at around 6:00 a.m. Things started getting strange from the time I cut the call. Everything around me kept changing and moving about here and there. Weird thoughts started creeping into my mind. It was then, that the strangest things started happening i.e. firstly, I started noticing the things that once existed in the past followed by the most unexpected things that could happen in the near future. Everything around me seemed strange, yet it was fascinating. For a moment I ended up being in a totally new world where nothing happened the way I wanted b

A Birthday Outing !!

                     Fifteenth February a day which neither me nor the other seven classmates could ever forget.It was during the lunch break on 5th February,when we planned of going out and taking a day off from our busy schedule.But the biggest problem was when and where to go.After giving a little stress to our minds we finally decided that the place would be " Nagarjunasagar dam ."                      Since the place was decided the next thing to be done was fixing the date.Initially I thought fixing the date would be difficult and it turned out to be true because everyone of us was busy with some work or the other.But then, we remembered  that one of our friend's birthday was just 10 days away and we thought of making his birthday memorable by planning this trip as a wonderful present in itself.So,the place and dates were finally fixed and the last task in front of us was organizing the trip.                        Organizing the trip seemed to be a hectic job in

24Hrs Worth Remembering

My Best 24Hrs @ SNIST                                                       Members of the Firefox club of SNIST in collaboration with the representatives of the Mozilla community held an event called Firefox OS App Days on January the 18th&19th.The event spanned across 24hours.It was a day that  had everything needed to make it a memorable one.           It was about one week before the event when we started planning out the requirements for it.There was a little bit of pressure on  everyone who was involved in organizing as this event was the first event of 2014 in our college and additionally,it was the first App days event conducted by Firefox in the city of Hyderabad . So,we had to put in all our efforts to ensure that there were no problems to the participants.            Now it was time to distribute the works and try to complete them in the stipulated time.             I was given the work of designing the banners.At first I thought designing would be a very difficult j