CRITICISM- It's not for the weak !

Just recently, it was late evening when I was walking on my terrace looking at the kids playing in the lane beside my house, looking at the sunset and remembering my childhood days. And suddenly a quarrel broke up among the kids who were enjoying till then. None of us around knew the reason for
their quarrel. During the childhood whenever we used to get angry, we would start criticizing our friends and put their names in front of elders as the initiators of the quarrel, in order to escape from being scolded. The kids who were playing in the lane did the same.

During this period knowingly or unknowingly I just got mentally involved among the kids which forced me to roll back 10 long years of my life. Flashback was just because of a single word i.e. "CRITICISM." This is when a thought struck me, about how critics play a major role in one's life.
"Critics", this one word has a lot of hidden power stuffed in it. Critics are meant to point out at our flaws, but now-a-days these are used to shatter one's confidence.

No matter what criticism does, from my experience one thing is for sure, it helps one learn a lot of things.

Well, from the childhood all of us have heard the question of when a glass is filled to some extent and it is asked whether the glass is half-empty or half-full.

A person who thinks half-empty:

A person who takes criticism very seriously and breaks down without understanding the reason for being criticized, thus gives birth to an unknown pessimist within himself.
This pessimism doesn't allow him to get over the negatives of criticism. When this happens, the person becomes helpless and no one on this planet can help him get back his confidence other than the person himself. At any instant whatever is said to him, he finds only negatives in it. And then there will be a time when he is forced to surrender himself to his thought process which could further lead to depression followed by suicide.

A person who thinks half-full:

The thought of glass being half-full is generally believed to be the thought of an optimist. Optimism is not easy to find in people. An optimist generally listens to the critics but doesn't take them too seriously because he understands the reason for being criticized and takes it positively. Most of us do not realize our flaws nor do we try correcting it when they are being suggested to us by others. This is the time where criticism comes into picture and gives us a solid blow. At the time when a pessimist breaks down, an optimist takes it as step for improvement. When we are criticized we focus on the suggestions given by public rather than our flaws. The suggestions are people's way of looking at life whereas flaws help us in making our life.

From my perspective a glass whether it is half-full or half-empty has the same amount of water in it. The thing that is to be observed is the longer we hold the glass in our hand, the heavier it becomes. In the same way the longer we hold on to the critics it starts becoming a burden to us. So, a better solution is to pour the water out  of the glass and put the glass aside. In the same way the critics are just a temporary obstacle that everyone faces in their life. It totally depends on how the person
looks at it. For example: When India lost the series in England people started criticizing Dhoni but, he didn't back-off and when India won the next home series all the critics were answered.

Criticism: Love it or Hate, but do ignore it. Sometimes criticism can be conservative as well, if that is the case use it to your advantage, love it. If the criticism is pointless and baseless, hate it. And yes, in both the cases, totally ignore it. What matters is your own assessment of yourself, not that of others.

 "Everything has beauty, it takes the right person to identify it."


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