24Hrs Worth Remembering

My Best 24Hrs @ SNIST                               


            Members of the Firefox club of SNIST in collaboration with the representatives of the Mozilla community held an event called Firefox OS App Days on January the 18th&19th.The event spanned across 24hours.It was a day that  had everything needed to make it a memorable one.

          It was about one week before the event when we started planning out the requirements for it.There was a little bit of pressure on  everyone who was involved in organizing as this event was the first event of 2014 in our college and additionally,it was the first App days event conducted by Firefox in the city of Hyderabad. So,we had to put in all our efforts to ensure that there were no problems to the participants.

           Now it was time to distribute the works and try to complete them in the stipulated time.

            I was given the work of designing the banners.At first I thought designing would be a very difficult job but then I remembered a quotation I had read in my school days which said "everything seems to be difficult before the first step"  and that was the self-motivation I required at that time.It took me about 2 days to complete a single banner.

            Time passed by very quickly and we were left with two more days for the event and we had lots of work to be done.Designing a welcome banner was the task in front of me.I started working on the background designs for the banner and then the text had to be added to it.This tested all the patience that I had.I developed six designs but each one had some problem or the other and were getting rejected.For a moment I thought of giving up, but I realized that I was given a task and can't give it up that easily so I decided to hang on to it for a little more time.Then finally the welcome banner was ready. The feeling that I had after completing the task was just too good.

            We were all set by the morning of the event. The count of the participants kept increasing and we were overwhelmed by the response.At this moment itself we were confident that the event was going to begin with a bang.

           The event began with an inauguration ceremony followed by introduction to Firefox OS and HTML5 by the Mozilla community representatives present at the venue,then it was time for lunch.Lunch was followed by a session where the participants were taught about app development and then they were asked to design their own apps.It was followed by dinner and then to keep the participants active the representatives had a game for them which everyone enjoyed.


          By then it was night and the it was freezing outside.All the participants present were having a icy cool coding  experience.The coding continued throughout the night and by morning at 10 am it was time to showcase the apps developed by every team.Every app had its own specialty.We had expected about 6-7 apps to be published but the participants did a fabulous job and we were able to publish 16+ apps in the Firefox Marketplace.Cake cutting and photo session at the end helped us to finish the event with a bang as well (the way it had started).

         No doubt there were certain problems that everyone of us faced but it was a real WOW experience at the event. It was really a great honor meeting the representatives of the Mozilla community and having to spend some valuable time with them picking their brains.I would also like to thank my seniors Vivek Balijepalli , Santosh Viswanatham and all members of Firefox Club SNIST and IC^2 who played a pivotal role in organizing the whole event smoothly and successfully.At the end of the day the Firefox OS App Days at SNIST was a great success and I am sure that every individual gained valuable knowledge and left with some good memories to cherish.
      "Each day is a new canvas to paint upon. Make sure your picture is full of life and happiness, and at the end of the day you don’t look at it and wish you had painted something different."
        In this context Firefox OS App Days was the canvas which all of us painted as a team and we will never regret doing it the way we did because at the end of the event everyone present at the venue had smiles on the faces which sparkled the event and made it more lively. 



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