A Birthday Outing !!

                     Fifteenth February a day which neither me nor the other seven classmates could ever forget.It was during the lunch break on 5th February,when we planned of going out and taking a day off from our busy schedule.But the biggest problem was when and where to go.After giving a little stress to our minds we finally decided that the place would be "Nagarjunasagar dam."
                     Since the place was decided the next thing to be done was fixing the date.Initially I thought fixing the date would be difficult and it turned out to be true because everyone of us was busy with some work or the other.But then, we remembered  that one of our friend's birthday was just 10 days away and we thought of making his birthday memorable by planning this trip as a wonderful present in itself.So,the place and dates were finally fixed and the last task in front of us was organizing the trip.
                       Organizing the trip seemed to be a hectic job in the beginning because none of us had any idea about the transport facilities to Nagarjunasagar dam.But as we started getting the details about the buses our curiosity kept increasing as the birthday approached.It was one day before the birthday when we first got the feeling that the trip would be a success.
                       Finally the most awaited day i.e. Sharath's birthday had arrived.Early in the morning to my surprise I found that it was drizzling outside and at that time the only thing that I wished was if the clouds could just hold on for a day and luckily within next 15 minutes it stopped drizzling and the sky started clearing up.At this time I thought this was nature's gift to Sharath.Even though it had stopped raining there was a little dilemma in my mind that it could rain any time but then since we had decided there was no looking back from then.
                      It was a cool and a cloudy morning and all of us met at the Mahatma Gandhi Bus Station(MGBS) at 6:30am.By the time we gathered information about the bus and the platform where the bus would arrive, it was almost 7:00.We got to know that the bus would start at 7:30 so some of my friends went and had tea and others were just warming up.

                     Once the bus started most of us thought of having a nice sleep as it was a long journey.But the route was such that we could hardly sleep.We had a 'jumping jack' experience sitting in the last seat of the bus.At last we got down from the bus when the clock struck 11:00am.

                       Now we had to reach the place where we would get the boat so that we could reach Nagarjunakonda,which is an island part of the dam where a museum is located.We got to know from the authorities that the next boat was at 1:30pm.By the time we returned after having our lunch it was 12:30pm and we had an hour of spare time.Instead of wasting it, we had a look at the serene scenery,the placid water stored in the dam and a short yet crazy photo-session.

                       Adding joy to our sightseeing was the chirping of the birds.We could hear every little noise they made and it was just too good.
                     Finally the wait for the boat ended and all of us quickly got onto the boat.It was a journey of about half an hour in the boat to the island.On the way we clicked a few photos and moved about the two floors of the boat.There were many school kids who kept entertaining as well.

Sight from the boat

                       We could spot the island from a little distance as it was the only island and had couple of buildings which were visible.From the place we got down on the island the museum was about half a kilometer and the sight on the way seemed to be amazing. The museum reminded me of the history lessons that we had in our school. All of us were out of the museum in half an hour and we thought of having a look at the island.Eating chocobar ice-cream and moving about the island was fun.

Chilling out a bit

                      That place was so fascinating that we had forgotten about the return boat for a while.We missed the first boat and had to wait for the second one which was at 4:30PM. At the end, we lifted the birthday boy into the air and gave him three cheers!(Actually thought of lifting him but he seemed to be heavy so we managed it with little photography skills.)

Creativity Unleashed
                    The only thing that I thought could have spoiled the celebrations was rain and then it started pouring down heavily.By then we were done with seeing the complete island and were returning to the boat.We were all half wet.

                     The sight of the dam on the way was so beautiful.We were back to the place from where we had got into the boat by 5:15pm.
                    Then we searched for a restaurant where we could just relax while having the food.Once we were done with the food we had to return to the place where we could board the return bus.On the way to the bus stop we had a night view of the dam with the lights on and Krishna river flowing.That sight was one of the best scenes I have ever seen.
Night view of the dam

                    We reached the place where we were supposed to get the bus at 6:40pm.But we got to know the bus had already left just 10 min back and the next bus was at 7:30.This last one hour was the best time of our day.All of us sat on a footpath talking about every possible thing that could have happened on that day.The talk involved every crazy thing starting from the early morning drizzle to the photography to the last sight of the dam.
                    At the end of the day,even though we had gone through certain difficulties but we were quite happy that we were able to overcome them and make our first trip a grand success.After-all we need to remember that "it is not possible to get a rainbow without a little rain."                                 


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