
Showing posts from 2016


It is all too easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of thought, but visualizing your inner critic can help... I often wonder whether we are to blame ourselves for all the problems that come our way or our stars?? Is it the lack of luck or just pure dedication and the courage to dream and not stop till you get somewhere? Why do we think negatively when we know better? I can't fathom what leads a man to be so negative that he forgets what an amazing person he is. Phoenix rises from the ashes, lotuses grow in muck, people lose their limbs and their lives to deadly diseases while we crib over just a few speed breakers life sets out on our path. I don't want to see people quit just because they have been fighting for too long. Because thinking negatively, expecting “the worst,” seeing the downside of positive situations, and even downright expecting failure, all convey a kind of backwards-thinking, emotional insurance policy.  It goes something like, “If I expect a tragedy, t

India: Champions of Kabaddi World Cup. 2016.

Down in half time and struggling in defence, Came a break, changing the course of the game, Suddenly the sloppy defence started making sense, Tables turned, and the game was to tame the might, Then came a call, could have been a gamble, But we had to shine, And avoid the sport from being a scramble, Shine was on the mind and India said the game is mine. INDIA crowned as champions of Kabaddi world cup 2016. Hearty congratulations!! Well played IRAN hard luck. Started as an Indian sport and now it is known world wide. A proud moment!! Keep up the good work!!


We have this powerful sense that death is a transition, not an end. Why can’t we imagine a world without us? Let’s begin like this. Immortality is the indefinite continuation of a person’s existence, even after death. In common parlance, immortality is virtually indistinguishable from afterlife, but philosophically speaking, they are not identical. Afterlife is the continuation of existence after death, regardless of whether or not that continuation is indefinite. Immortality implies a never-ending existence, regardless of whether or not the body dies (as a matter of fact, some hypothetical medical technologies offer the prospect of a bodily immortality, but not an afterlife).  Immortality has been one of mankind's major concerns, and even though it has been traditionally mainly confined to religious traditions, it is also important to philosophy. A substantial part of the discussion on immortality touches upon the fundamental question in the philosophy of mind: Do souls exis


“People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it.”                                                                                                 -Edith Schaeffer Do you treat yourself as well as you treat your friends and family? That simple question is the basis for a burgeoning new area of psychological research called self-compassion — how kindly people view themselves. People who find it easy to be supportive and understanding to others, it turns out, often score surprisingly low on self-compassion tests, berating themselves for perceived failures. Self-compassion – being warm and supportive towards ourselves and actively soothing ourselves–does help matters when we make a mistake or the going gets rough. It leads to less anxiety and depression, greater peace of mind, and, importantly, it makes us feel more motivated to make the improvements we need to. Self-compassion

Passion: It has a slight edge more than love for something

'Love for a particular thing', is the  first thought that strikes most of our minds when we come across the word ‘passion’ in our daily lives. But, is the word passion restricted to only the feeling of love? Well, let's look into a few more words that gives us an insight into the word passion. Hate, Enthusiasm, Anger, Desire etc. are also in some way or the other related to passion. It could be a strong desire to achieve something or enthusiasm for a much awaited moment or a strong feeling of hatred towards anything. All of these have a close tendency to match up and compete against the word 'love', when it comes to understanding passion, but love always wins. Let's start with how the feeling of hatred challenges love to define passion. It is said that there's just a small line separating the two feelings, the feeling of love and the one of hate. A few fictional characters are such that we love to hate them. For example: Mr.Collins from Pri


Life spurts through the stream of time With it are reminiscence linked to our bygone, It may hit decaying leaves and sharp rocks But definitely it will extend the shore line Be like the water, always finding its way Against cramps it passes through somehow! Life is like a dance, it is choreographed It must be synchronized with the music Be attuned with the beat so it will jive  But getting into the groove is a tough task You are the choreographer of your life Make it the way you want it to be!! Upon reaching the shore of success Bring with you the experiences of the voyage Tell stories, as if you were a captain of a ship And when the dance is over and done Let those who have watched, feel the groove Life itself will continue to flow And new dances will abound!!! “Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make t

Name... Does it really matter?

A unique name for an individual is quite handy when it comes to the recognizing one’s identity in a large group. There’s been lot of research being carried out on whether a person’s name can have any sort of impact on the future, and the results are evident. “ Names tell us a lot about who you are .” - Simonsohn             Just like any other external indicators of a person such as accent or clothing can give a gist of what kind of a person an individual is with respect to the person’s character or the surroundings in which the individual was brought up, so can the first name. And just like any other external indicators, names lie as well.  A name can have a profound impact on a child that reverberates well into adulthood, a growing body of research suggests.                          As the time goes by, the results of theories keep changing and so does our perspective about a particular aspect irrespective of research. Names undoubtedly have influence, but "destin


A cloud of dust, obstacles the horizon Seeded with ponderous mist of pessimism Wrenches of anxieties and incertitudes Isn’t it too premature to hinder and succumb? Morning is the cogent part of day Though sometimes best thing comes At noon or what we call the mid-day But most would cede and resign Isn’t it too premature to hinder and succumb? At dusk, you’re discontented and flung Hope withers and will resort to self-pity  Weep, crawl and drag yourself down Drown yourself and dwell in impassiveness Isn’t it too premature to hinder and succumb? A day may pass and the sun won’t shine But a week has seven days, thirty in a month  There is “One Day” for you; it’s all in its time Enough of the hamminesses, be swarming and get out One day it will come, sit tight and wait for your turn!! “There is a sort of enthusiasm in all projectors, absolutely necessary for their affairs, which makes them proof against the most fat

Watching Cartoons Ain't a Bad Idea!

Cartoons…!! What do most of the children watch on the television? Children like to watch cartoons even before they start to speak! Do you know why? I think because of the funny and different figures of animals and humans which they have pictured in various forms.  Cartoons as well give a social message to people in the form of a fun filled art!! They might also provoke an idea by using fun faces. This helps you to become futuristic and optimistic as well.  They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and attitude. Every cartoon we watch has a learning and a few lessons for life.  They are without doubt the most entertaining aspect of childhood.  As the time passed by, the ability to make use of common sense in humans (most of them) is reduced to a great extent. Common sense is no more common. We seldom see people using it. Donald Duck a famous Disney character sums this up very well in one of the cartoon shows as: "I have to stop saying 'How stupid can you be

एक एहसास लाया यादों की बौछार

ना जाने   वो   क्या     एहसास     था   । अंजाना     होते     हुए   भी   कुछ     ख़ास     था   ।। खो     गए     हम   उन   एहसासों   की   महफ़िल   में   । जब   जगह   ढूंढ   रहे   थे   वह   हमारे   दिल   में   ।। भरा पड़ा था मोहल्ला   दिल की महफ़िल में   ।   आ गए आसुँ हमारी आँखों से उनके बारे में जान के   ।। घुस   पड़े   उस   भरे   मोहल्ले   में   लेकर   नन्ही   से   आशा   । के   मिल   जाए   जगह   बराबर   एक   बताशा   ।। आशा   की   प्यास   तोह   बुजनी   ही   थी   । दिल   में   थोड़ी   सी   जगह   तोह   मिलनी   ही   थी   ।। मिल   गया   एक   छोटा   सा   स्थान   । रख   लिया   दिल   ने   भी   हमारा   मान   ।। कुछ   वक़्त   गुज़रा   तब   याद   आया   । यह तो वो दुनिया नहीं जहां मै आया   ।।   वो थी तो हसीन , और हमारी महजबीं   । यूँ तो हम थे बहोत ठीक , पर फिर भी थी कुछ कमी।।   बस इस एहसास की बातों मे   । हम खो गए उनकी यादों में   ।। अब बस   हम और उनकी यादें है   ।   और कुछ टूटे हुए ख्वा