Name... Does it really matter?

A unique name for an individual is quite handy when it comes to the recognizing one’s identity in a large group. There’s been lot of research being carried out on whether a person’s name can have any sort of impact on the future, and the results are evident. “Names tell us a lot about who you are.” -Simonsohn

            Just like any other external indicators of a person such as accent or clothing can give a gist of what kind of a person an individual is with respect to the person’s character or the surroundings in which the individual was brought up, so can the first name. And just like any other external indicators, names lie as well.  A name can have a profound impact on a child that reverberates well into adulthood, a growing body of research suggests. 
            As the time goes by, the results of theories keep changing and so does our perspective about a particular aspect irrespective of research. Names undoubtedly have influence, but "destiny" as such is too strong a word. "Names only have a significant influence when that is the only thing you know about the person," says psychologist Dr. Martin Ford of George Mason University.

           Turning back the hands of time, we see people having all sought of names each of them being unique in itself and few of them being rather too weird. Now-a-days we hear a lot of names that are common and people initials are generally used as an aspect of distinguishing them from others. Names, even now, in most of the regions play a defying role as to which name could be safe and not lead to too many conflicts(w.r.t. caste, religion etc.). There are a few places around the world, where the name of a person has a direct impact on his/her percentage of growth. Implicit egotism could be one of the factors influencing the direct impact of name on growth.

             We, being mortals, shouldn't forget that our name lasts only till we do. What we carry forward is our character which stays immortal in some form or the other and through the character, a person's name is recognized. People might forget the name but the character is never forgotten. Name, no matter how big a role it plays while we are alive but once we become a memory, it's always a better option to be a good one. Names, in other words, send signals about who we are and where we come from, but our qualities are the actual parameter that judge what we are. Taking each day as it comes, enjoying every moment and staying positive about the uncertain future should sort out all the troubles that arise due to the name.

          To us, the name doesn't really matter. But to others it gives them a title/ a label/ a general representation of us. Stronger names have stronger effects and vise versa. But that's not necessarily true. When they get to know us, it changes. And as they get to know about us , they subconsciously or consciously start recognizing and cumulating your character and everything about you under your name. So, the first impression can be changed, to something better or worse. In the end it's who we are that adds meaning to our name.

                                        “I have many names, and none of them matter. Names are not important. To speak is to name names, but to speak is not important.The great burning blossom squats, flowing, upon the limb of the world, excreting the ash of the world, and being none of these things I have named and at the same time all of them, and this is reality-the Nameless!!”
                                                                                                  - Roger Zelanzny 


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