It is all too easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of thought, but visualizing your inner critic can help...
I often wonder whether we are to blame ourselves for all the problems that come our way or our stars?? Is it the lack of luck or just pure dedication and the courage to dream and not stop till you get somewhere? Why do we think negatively when we know better?

I can't fathom what leads a man to be so negative that he forgets what an amazing person he is. Phoenix rises from the ashes, lotuses grow in muck, people lose their limbs and their lives to deadly diseases while we crib over just a few speed breakers life sets out on our path. I don't want to see people quit just because they have been fighting for too long. Because thinking negatively, expecting “the worst,” seeing the downside of positive situations, and even downright expecting failure, all convey a kind of backwards-thinking, emotional insurance policy.  It goes something like, “If I expect a tragedy, then I won’t be disappointed when it takes place.”

Our desire to want to be right is another common reason we subconsciously choose negative thinking.  Sometimes, as foolish as it sounds, we would rather be right about our negative predictions than have a positive outcome prove us wrong.  And since negative thinking leads to negative actions, or no action at all in many cases, by thinking negatively we create a self-fulfilling prediction for ourselves.  In other words, we think negatively, predict a negative outcome, act negatively, and then receive a negative outcome that fulfills our prediction.

Life simply isn’t black or white – 100% of this or 100% of that – all or nothing.  Thinking in extremes like this is a fast way to misery, because negative thinking tends to view any situation that’s less than perfect as being extremely bad. For an example, Rather than just accepting the nervousness of meeting a new group of people, “I know these people are not going to like me.”

You must deal with the world the way it is, not the way you expect it to be.  Life is under no obligation to give you exactly what you expect.  In fact, whatever it is you’re seeking will rarely ever come in the form you’re expecting, but that doesn’t make it any less wonderful. Inventing rules like these about how life must be, based on your own stubborn expectations, is a great way to keep your mind stuck in the gutter.  This isn’t to say that you should never expect anything at all from yourself and others (diligence, honesty, ambition, etc.), but rather that the rules that govern your expectations should not steer you toward unreasonably negative conclusions.If you feel dissatisfied or let down by an outcome, then you must have been expecting something different.  Rather than get upset, ask yourself, “Were my expectations too narrow?” and “What new truths have I learned?”

Think positive.  Life is good. Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting the very pure gold! Positive thinking isn’t about expecting the best to always happen, but accepting that whatever happens is the best for the moment.  So keep smiling and keep staying true to your heart.  Someday, the negative voice inside you will have nothing left to say.

The floor is yours… Fight for it if need be but, remember to smile always, focus and move ahead.!!

A thought crept into my mind
Settled in a silent corner
But my mind is not a burial ground
To press it down in secrecy

To gush forth colourful
My mind has a fount of hues
Begotten of the rainbow..
Seven and their combinations

Wherefrom came the rainbow..
An after-thought Sun's
After the rains it was..
A worthy compendium for my mind

Doused in my mind's fount
My thought now has wings
Winged colourful it's soaring
Now above the skies!!

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference.  The little difference is attitude.  The big difference is whether it is positive or negative."
                                                                                               ―W. Clement Stone


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