An idle mind is a devils workshop.

"An idle mind is a devils workshop,isn't it??"

            This was back then. But as the time passes, interpretation of these quotes change as well. Let’s try to understand this considering the various stages of a human’s life starting from the childhood to adolescence and finally the old age.
               No one actually knows what is going on in a kids mind. Moods can be easily understood but not the thought process. Even if the kid is sitting idle or there is a pause in the flow of thoughts, the idle mind can’t be turned into a devil’s workshop as the mind is still in the process of growth and it hardly knows anything about a devil or the evil stuff around. The only thing that their mind can do is give birth to the creative instincts and a whole new world of imagination. So, a kids brain no matter what, hardly gives any room for the devil to set up the workshop.

           Time flies and within the blink of an eye the childhood is lost. This is when things from around start creeping in the mind. A perfect time for the devil to inaugurate his workshop. Adolescence, a stage when we start thinking too much (cribbing). This leads to a few loop holes in the thought process. This is when the mind is actually idle and the time when all the thrash in it is used as a resource by the devil to electrify the workshop. So, he is all set to go now. The bag full of thrash is loaded and the thoughts are shot one after the other. This even starts disturbing the busy mind. If single attacks don’t work, all the thrash is loaded in a canon and fired, having adverse effects.
            These fierce attacks can be easily shielded, if we can control the flow of thoughts. That is what we learn as we grow up. Just like every enemy tries giving his best in the war field, so does the devil stuck up in his workshop. But when the best attacks fail and there are no weak links in the shield of control, the workshop has to be shut down. If this can be continued, soon there will be a day when the workshop’s fuse’ are turned off and the workshops foundation is totally lost. We should make sure the control is never lost because if that happens we’ll be back to square one again.

            There are so many things in this wonderful world and we are the only beings gifted with intelligence to understand them. So, it should be our constant endeavor to use this gift for a better understanding of the people of this world. Our brain is idle when we do not have anything to think about. And this may lead to dangerous consequences. When you do not think for yourself, you allow others to influence you. Other thoughts occupy your mind and any mischievous element can easily exploit you for its own purpose. The devil need not be the devil about whom we may have read a great deal though none has seen it in person. Any wicked idea or evil deed may be regarded devils and the workshop where it forgets these is the mind of a person who refuses to think for himself. That is exactly the reason why much emphasis is laid on education.

               A truly educated person should be able to discriminate between the right and the wrong and should be able to work for the good. Education should train us to think, it should inculcate in us the right values of life. That is why it is always healthy to encourage hobbies.
              Getting to the old age. At this age people love to if there’s always someone to lend an ear to them and talk to them for a while. They do have moments when their mind is idle but they are full of experiences in handling them. They have tons of memories which are cherished in their free time, a great collection of stories which fascinate kids ensuring there are people around and also have the leisure time to go around places enjoying the nature.

            It can conclude by saying that an idle mind is the best place which can be used for both good and bad. The most difficult problems can be solved by sowing a seed of solution into an idle mind and also the most of the problems of the world take birth in an idle mind. The best way to sort this is to change our perspective about idle mind being a devil’s workshop because ‘a leopard can't change his spots.’                   
             "To be idle is a short road to death  and  to be diligent is a way of life!!Purge your mind of all aimless and idle thoughts, especially those that pry into the affairs of others  or wish them ill!!"


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