Past, Present and the Future

Past, present and future, the three words that keep defining our thought process throughout our life span. We are taught in our schools about this, but we hardly care. The reason being negligence and over confidence. Here’s a guy named ‘Raj’ who is strangled in these three words so much that he finds it difficult to move on.

It was a pleasant morning with sun shining bright and sense of cool breeze around. Raj, who has just grown enough to have the experience of a teenager, is going round the world along with his parents. Being the only child in the family, he was pampered a lot and was taken care he didn't miss out on anything. Lying beside the pool on the cruise, awaiting the final destination of their vacation, there was a chaos in the thoughts running across his mind.

Trying to untangle the knots of his thoughts, he decides to dive in and reduce the turmoil. The visualization of the past started with school and college days, friends, naughtiness, fights etc.. Simultaneously there is something else that starts disturbing him and i.e. his sub-conscious mind saying to him “You have enjoyed a lot in the past. Amidst all this fun, it seems that the expectations of your parents have been over looked. I don't deny the positive outcomes from this, but what about the future? What's next? Are you heading in the right direction? With this past you seem to be going nowhere. For a moment let's leave the expectations aside, don't you see the dreams, ambitions and goals that once used to drive your energy distancing them from you? Neglecting these signs for a temporary present are gonna sink your future.” 

Raj responds, “I agree to what you have said, but that doesn’t push me away from my goals nor does it let my parents' expectations down.” There is no response from the other side for a while which made him feel a bit relaxed. After a pause he hears it again-"Are you sure?" Then he gets worried and starts thinking about the points made by his sub-conscious mind too much that it forces him to look into the future which looks bleak. He feels a little low after having a picture of his dreary future.

This moment was like the past was trying to focus more on the future consequences and present was helpless as no one cared. The pacifying and self-satisfying power of future was dominated by both past and future together. It was all about the numbers game and finally present had to give up as it couldn't handle the weight of the other two. The burden became so much that Raj decides to jump off the ship escaping everyone's sight. It was just a matter of time now before the big blue ocean had swallowed him.

Just when his soul was about to leave the body, he wakes up with a jerk in the real world and realizes that he had slept while lying beside the pool. It is then, he realizes that he was in his present and there was no past or future around to rule him. Also, he realizes the importance of enjoying the present, keeping future in mind and taking past failures as experience and moving forward. Irrespective of what happened while he was asleep, ultimately it was the present that got an upper hand suppressing the past and the future.

A beautiful thought strikes his mind just before they land the shore i.e. if God allows an individual to see his tomorrow, it means he is giving that person another opportunity to improve, than what he/she was yesterday!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery
Today is a gift that’s why we call it as ‘Present.’


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