Let me begin like this..!!

For instance, Life has NO meaning!!!

This doesn't mean that I'm telling you to jump off the nearest bridge though; instead I mean it a much more contemplative way. We have the power to alter our perceptions, revising perceptions that bring us down and enhancing those that help us. Our outlook on life is deeply entwined in our prosperity for success. Success is doing what we love and being happy about it.

To learn how to get a better handle on our perceptions, emotions and behaviour, it is useful to look at how we think. To forge a new attitude towards the events and relationships in our life, we must learn to look at them with fresh perspective. We generally like to think we are in charge of our actions. Society has a stake in us believing that, or there would be no way to justify restraining and punishing people with anti-social behaviours. Nevertheless, we know that some of the things we do are not controlled consciously. These are also known as reflective or autonomous behaviours.

What we can achieve in life has a lot to do with our self-image. If we see ourself as a risk taker and a doer, we are more likely to take risks and do! If we see our self as cautious and scared, it may take the road to achieving our goals a lot more protracted and difficult.
Life is all about perception. What one person sees as reality may be completely different from what another person in the same situation may see. It all depends on how our individual thoughts, feelings, and behaviour shape our world. Life on every level is full of complexity and uncertainty. As individuals we face a life of unknown duration, during which we are likely to go through periods of family, career or personal crisis. The world around is even more unpredictable.

Life seems to have been punctuated by a set of unforeseen detours, followed by surprising right and left; turns anything other than a series of planned, rational, steps. The things we take for granted and simply assume are the basis for our self-image, and giving the things in our lives their meaning. By making our background assumptions explicit, we are able to affirm them or change them. Doing this gives us the opportunity to change ourselves from puppets or truly autonomous beings.

Some people achieve autonomy through sheer stubbornness and rebelliousness. Although that may work, it is not a healthy way to approach any change. A more rational approach is to look at everything that is obvious to you! Life experiences are meant to align our personality with our soul and all that is made of; harmony, peace and love. When we look for a deeper reason for the events that present themselves in our lives, we consciously participate in our soul's evolution.  

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
Live the questions now and rest in them. Not knowing is a good enough place to be, because we know (deeply) that those things we grasp at knowing, slip away. Feeling feet on the ground that holds us, hands reaching to the skies that carry us, we belong just here, just now. No answer is needed.
We are the big picture!

"Insanity in individuals is something rare- but in groups, parties, nations and epochs it is the rule.."

-          Friedrich Nietzsche


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