
Showing posts from 2017

Ideas are the new currency!

TED Talks India Nayi Soch... A platform, where a good idea made great hanging around in darkness comes into lime light. It’s time to speak up because ideas are the new currency !   Here’s a gist of great ideas and thoughts that were presented today: 1.       Gautam Bhan (Researcher, Faculty Member, IIHS) : “Basti is not a problem but a solution,” that’s how the talk kick started. We live in a country where there are many people whose monthly income lies between Rs.10000 and Rs.15000 and expecting them to live in a fully urbanized is just too much. A basti is a place which occupies minimum space and provides basic living space for many.   People who work on this mother land for lifetime, do deserve a place for them to live and not sell it for the purpose of money. The stats presented were stunning (A basti in Gujarat turning into a well-developed colony of people Karnataka Govt. trying its best to make houses for poor, similar initiative in Thailand helped build houses fo

The Best 10 Life Lessons I Learned by Running My Own Business

Starting a business is almost worth it just for what it teaches you about life, and yourself. When we are in school, everything feels super important. Most of us work toward a degree, and make every effort to get out into the “real” world so we can finally become successful, happy and financially free. But once we graduate and enter the working world, we realize that things aren't always what they seem. After spending almost a decade in the corporate world, working in advertising agencies all around the world, I felt lifeless and bored. It felt like my job was suffocating my soul. When my doctor diagnosed me with depression, I saw it as a wake up call. I left it all behind to follow my heart, start my own business and become my own boss. After running my own successful company for almost a decade, I can now reflect on some major lessons learned. 1. The people you admire don't have it figured out, and that's okay. We often think when we graduate or start our o


“Artificial Intelligence Would Revolutionize HR Industry!!” Ever wondered how humans developed the power of computer systems in terms of their diverse working domains, their increasing speed, and reducing size with respect to time. A branch of Computer Science named Artificial Intelligence pursues creating the computers or machines as intelligent as human beings and it is a true fact! But what is Artificial Intelligence? According to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy, it is “The Science and Engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”. It is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think. It is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks and how humans learn, decide, and work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis of developing intelligent software and systems. Hum

10 Habits of Successful Introverts

Hey, introverts! Stop trying to become an extrovert. Embrace your unique and successful qualities. I just finished reading,  Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking , and one of the key messages was to stop forcing yourself to be different by emulating extroverts. In the book, author Susan Cain describes how our culture has undervalued introverts and why that is a mistake and a “colossal waste of talent, energy and happiness.” Did you know that nearly one-third of us are introverts? Introverts (I’m one of you) get energized by having alone time, while extroverts get motivated from social settings. It doesn’t mean that introverts can’t be successful. In fact, the list of successful introverts is long: Michael Jordan, J.K. Rowling, Christina Aguilera, Bill Gates, President Obama, Emma Watson and more. Here are 10 habits of successful introverts that I hope can help give you the confidence you need to be yourself. Build deep relationships Wh

Water Bubble

Down under, happened a snuggle, It was just a matter of time, There was a water bubble, Result of the twine. Time passed deep in the blue, having fun, Chill running down the spine, asking to run. In pursuit of becoming a paragon of virtue, Struck a thought, I'm just a naive bubble with experience being due.  Setting a goal and sky as the limit, Inner voice said 'It's my time and I'm gonna swim it.' Entering the wild, with the things going mild, Facing the challenges, unraveling the savages, Having been at the top for a while now... Facing dents and scratches throughout, Candid was just a word, bubble had become a suave now.  There came a transition phase causing an havoc. Deep blue turning pale, racing against time, Was it just a story tale, with sky high limit being a crime? Floating on the surface, engrossed in thoughts, Striving to get over the surface and move towards the sky, Sun kissed for a while, blush


“Sometimes social, sometimes solitary, not an Introvert, not an Extrovert, you may be an Ambivert.” In respect to introverts and extroverts, most humans are like batteries. An introvert is one who needs down time to recharge, especially after spending time with a large amount of people. An extrovert is like a solar powered battery: it draws energy from being in the spotlight and feeds off the companionship of other people. The vintage characteristic of an introvert isn’t necessarily being shy, it’s just that they don’t extract enough energy from the surroundings as the extroverts do. This has got to do with our brains. “A study in 2012 completed by Randy Buckner of Harvard University discovered that introverts tended to have larger, thicker gray matter in their prefrontal cortex — a region of the brain that is linked to abstract thought and decision-making — while extroverts had less gray matter.” Get Less Energy From People : Most of us feel that our tra