
Showing posts from August, 2015

Surprise Conversations

The clock struck 12 and the cell rang. I felt the vibrations of the cell and I lift the call. I could hear people talking to each other. None of them talking to me. I waited for a while for them to respond and when I was about to cut the call I heard a sweet voice in the background wishing me ‘ Happy birthday .’ I couldn’t recognize the voice, but yeah I had heard that voice before. Trying to recognize that voice, I sprung up on my bed and to my surprise the cell was switched off. I was stunned at the first sight of the cell being switched off, but later realized that I had turned it off in order to have a good sleep.  Was it just a dream? If yes, how come that came sharp at midnight and who was the person talking on the cell? Everything seemed to be so familiar but still everything was different. Every voice in the background was heard but yet remained unheard. If not a dream. It could have been a telepathic conversation. Sounds like exaggeration, but as of no

A Packaged Birthday

14 th August, 2015 as expected started off with a surprise call. It was midnight and I was in need of a good sleep, so I switched off my cell phone on the night of 13 th August. I knew people calling me at night would yell at me the next day, but that was alright because nothing can replace a peaceful sleep. In spite of me switching off my phone, I received a call and I was suddenly up when I realized that it was just a dream. This was my first virtual telepathic call.   When I was about to sleep again, my sister came and woke me up saying there was a call for me. This was the first real telephonic call I had received. It was my school friend ‘PAA’ (That’s what we call him).             The call ended soon and now it was time to sleep again. I knew there were no more calls to disturb me, as hardly people had the other number. Soon it was early morning and I received a telephonic wakeup call from my grandma. After receiving the blessings from grandma and parents it was time