Student's Lifecycle

A typical student’s life can be divided into three distinct stages. Each stage of the life is totally new and gives them a chance not only to prove themselves but also to learn from every wrong step they put. I classify those stages as:
1.      Childhood
2.      A time where a student starts getting exposure
3.      After exposure
So, let’s start from the first one stage itself. Childhood, a span or an age up to which a student is stopped from being exposed to the reality. Each and every one of us have our parents, who can help us to take our decisions and see that we are mould in the right shape. At this stage the student learns things from his surroundings without knowing what is wrong and what is right. That’s what every one of us lack at the early stages of our life. Here a student can be compared to a newly growing plant i.e. if it is growing in the wrong direction by providing the support we can get it right back on track. It is same with the students or the kids in general in their childhood days. This is the perfect time to teach a student about the right and wrong. This age is crucial in deciding the fate of the student because the things taught and the moral values that the students imbibe lays a foundation for their future.

Once the child has completed his schooling, he starts getting exposure to the outside world slowly. It’s nothing less than a renaissance. A student’s life in real starts changing when he starts being exposed to reality rather than being hidden behind the parents. This exposure not only helps them to face the challenges and competition but also forces them to think and realize their mistakes and then continue. This stage is similar to that of a lion which isn’t finding a way to hunt for food, so it takes a few steps backwards and then tries to leap back on its meal again. At this point of time a student has two options; one is that he can create a tune to dance upon or dance on the tune of others. First one is always better but most of us try for an alternative (go easy feeling) and end up dancing on others tunes. Exposure awakens the sleeping imaginations in us and it depends on us to make the most of it because it is said opportunities knock the door only once. A student starts increasing his network in-order to know more about people and things around. There are a few people or corporate institutes who are good at manipulations and they cut our circular world of thoughts and turn it into the one with corners i.e. they start cornering you by not allowing you to think. A student is forced to think only in one direction where he ends up being a sheep in the herd. By the time he realizes that he has messed up the things it’s too late.
As the student starts knowing the reality outside, his mind forces him to change and adopt to the changes happening around. This change is nothing less than a revolution in a person, starting from his attitude, behaviour and personality. Now, a student’s world is much bigger than he had ever thought of. He starts furnishing the sharp corners and makes his world of imagination and creativity round again. The exposure to reality and willingness to try out things without having the fear of failure gives the students the thing that is most required by everyone and that is experience. 
It’s time to enter into the third phase of a student life i.e. after exposure. Frankly saying there is no person in the world who can say that he has experienced everything. In a student’s life every sunrise is a new challenge which should be faced with a zeal to succeed and not lose hope because everything starts with a hope.  
 I would like to conclude by saying that where ever we go we have people and the surroundings which will always try to pull a student down by discouraging but being a student you should have a determination to work smart and manage things well because it’s about your perspective and not others. One thing should be always kept in mind that is failure is not going to be forever and so is the success but the efforts that you put in will always pay irrespective of success or failure.
“A Misty morning doesn’t signify a cloudy day”, one of the best quotes I have ever heard off when it comes to the matter of an initial failure.


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