
Showing posts from May, 2016


A cloud of dust, obstacles the horizon Seeded with ponderous mist of pessimism Wrenches of anxieties and incertitudes Isn’t it too premature to hinder and succumb? Morning is the cogent part of day Though sometimes best thing comes At noon or what we call the mid-day But most would cede and resign Isn’t it too premature to hinder and succumb? At dusk, you’re discontented and flung Hope withers and will resort to self-pity  Weep, crawl and drag yourself down Drown yourself and dwell in impassiveness Isn’t it too premature to hinder and succumb? A day may pass and the sun won’t shine But a week has seven days, thirty in a month  There is “One Day” for you; it’s all in its time Enough of the hamminesses, be swarming and get out One day it will come, sit tight and wait for your turn!! “There is a sort of enthusiasm in all projectors, absolutely necessary for their affairs, which makes them proof against the most fat

Watching Cartoons Ain't a Bad Idea!

Cartoons…!! What do most of the children watch on the television? Children like to watch cartoons even before they start to speak! Do you know why? I think because of the funny and different figures of animals and humans which they have pictured in various forms.  Cartoons as well give a social message to people in the form of a fun filled art!! They might also provoke an idea by using fun faces. This helps you to become futuristic and optimistic as well.  They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and attitude. Every cartoon we watch has a learning and a few lessons for life.  They are without doubt the most entertaining aspect of childhood.  As the time passed by, the ability to make use of common sense in humans (most of them) is reduced to a great extent. Common sense is no more common. We seldom see people using it. Donald Duck a famous Disney character sums this up very well in one of the cartoon shows as: "I have to stop saying 'How stupid can you be