
Showing posts from January, 2016

Republic Day !!

“Republic day!” The national festival which is celebrated throughout India irrespective of caste, religion or creed. On this day all of us are bound by a single feeling that is “ the feeling of patriotism. ” The feeling of patriotism is presented by different people in different ways. Some people try painting their face with the colors of Indian flag whereas some try out bikes rallies. It just doesn’t end here… A few people have a formal celebration by having a flag hoisting ceremony followed by the playing of the national anthem while a few enjoy it as a national holiday and the list goes on. When I come across the national festival the first thought that strikes my mind is that are we really patriotic or it’s just a show off? It’s really worth giving a thought. Because if we really had that love for our country then we will be proud about our country each and every day and not just a couple of days which are celebrated as the national festival. From my pe

Sankranti - A festival of kites and also a harvest season

“Sankranti” , the festival of kites and also a harvest season for most in the field of agriculture. It’s been 14 days since January'16 has kick-started and we keep hearing about various international kite festivals happening all around. Looking at the kites soaring up high in the sky, a question struck my mind. Is Sankranti, merely a festival to enjoy i.e. either by flying kite and reaping the crop or do we have something that could be looked into in order to get a lesson for life? At first I had taken it lightly but yeah a little later I felt like giving it a thought and then on I keenly started observing the behaviour of the kites and to my surprise I could relate it to the human nature. Just like an individual requires a head-start (self or others) to push him/herself to take up the initial step, even a kite requires a breeze to start its flight. On the other hand breeze turning into wild wind is also a problem for the take-off of the kite and so is the over-confi


Happy 2016! As is the tradition, at the stroke of midnight on December 31st, 2015, cities all around the world welcomed the New Year with elaborate fireworks. As the New Year approaches each year, many of us start thinking of resolutions.  It can actually feel uplifting to begin a new plan such as joining a gym to get fit, writing one page a day , or more prosaically, keeping up with your inbox ,etc. But, as most of us know, the novelty wears off as we get bored and discouraged. We’re suddenly confronted with the day to day challenge of sustaining our goals. Unexpected events throw us off course. We need to stay late at work, we can’t leave our smart phone or a relative gets sick. Disappointingly, one day of missing the goal then leads to missing the next and next day, until we feel defeated and our goal is abandoned.  New Year is one time when you get an opportunity to share the warmth of heart through beautiful verses and when these lines are well written, the message has str