
Showing posts from February, 2014

A Birthday Outing !!

                     Fifteenth February a day which neither me nor the other seven classmates could ever forget.It was during the lunch break on 5th February,when we planned of going out and taking a day off from our busy schedule.But the biggest problem was when and where to go.After giving a little stress to our minds we finally decided that the place would be " Nagarjunasagar dam ."                      Since the place was decided the next thing to be done was fixing the date.Initially I thought fixing the date would be difficult and it turned out to be true because everyone of us was busy with some work or the other.But then, we remembered  that one of our friend's birthday was just 10 days away and we thought of making his birthday memorable by planning this trip as a wonderful present in itself.So,the place and dates were finally fixed and the last task in front of us was organizing the trip.                        Organizing the trip seemed to be a hectic job in